Sunday, 5 May 2019

Hitler's Youth & How Eco-Fascist Totalitarians Target The Young Historically

I'm interested in hearing how ordinary, common sense people ...
 regular people feel about being
brow beaten on climate change
 so much in this region ... please join the conversation...
collective submission to the United Nations 
is the opposite of freedom for Canadians.... 
the opt out is recommended ...
More at Canada's Facebook page
 "Moms Against Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 in Canada"
How do you feel about children being
used as political tools for the agenda?
Are you paying attention yet?

The 'green' movement - environmentalism - involves instilling a religion of earth worship, demoralization, climate change fears, fear mongering, guilt trips, consensus building, groupthink, and persistent 'social engineering' of the general public [targetting young people in particular]... ridicule of dissenting voices and ostracizing and shunning people who question the 'official narrative'... so I do pay attention and because it seems there is no end to the amount of work these minions for 'the greater good' will involve themselves with its worth writing about when it comes to pushing their agenda for United Nations' and submission to 'sustainable development' / global governance its essentially obediance training and beating the individuality out of human beings.. it is completely offensive.. its Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and it requires the public to comply with their 'initiatives' and endless protocols... there is a lot of 'grant money' available for their schemes [your money, taxes paid] .. that's why I am also working to let people know that the carbon tax is theft .. plain and simple, its a robbery.  Plants need co2, carbon is not a pollutant, China is greening, Canada is a miniscule contributor and is in fact a carbon sink, carbon tax is a scam and people are absolute dupes, con artists and useful idiots for promoting it and encouraging it .. facilitators, 'community organizers' / change agents and minions for NGOs and collectivist hubs.