Saturday 6 July 2019

Why is NDP MLA Lenore Zann in Truro Nova Scotia Attacking Our Free Speech in Canada?

Card from Stephen Garvey, National Citizens Alliance,
a new federal Canadian political party
I have met Garvey and he is not a nazi!
I cannot believe Lenore is allowed to slander/libel him like this!
He believes in uniting all Canadians and
putting Canadians first.

Last year Lenore Zann MLA NDP party 
made efforts to block Garvey booking venues to gather
with others to discuss his party... why?
Zann continued her campaign against Garvey this year
downeast... Garvey is based in Calgary AB
and had a number of maritimes events lined up 
that were unable to proceed because of
venue booking cancellations and
the ongoing smear campaign against him on social media..


Lenore Zann is now planning to run in the upcoming federal election
in Canada - October 21, 2019 in her words:
 ... time for me to to go for broke and run federally - to prevent 
right-wing Conservatives of all sorts from getting ANY KIND of power!  "

 Banner of "Halifax Against Hate" activist [unknown identity]
at recent National Citizens Alliance gathering
photo by Bonnie Russell - The Black Cat - new media downeast
Facebook:  " The Black Cat - Bonnie Russell "
Bonnie is a graduate of Tantramar Regional High School..

 Save Our Canada!
National Citizens Alliance
a new federally registered political party in Canada

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