Tuesday 17 September 2019

Sappyfest And The Politics of Conforming to Progressive Ideologies { Cucking }

Observing this "indie festival" and its culture since I moved here in 2010.... a backyard party that started out with three friends - Paul Henderson and Jon Claytor and his then wife Julie Doiron.. some fun in the summertime on the marshlands of a small town: playing music, eating, drinking etc.

I watched some 'progressive' organizers zero in on it and scoop it up which seems to happen to many projects around here.. "Humans of Sackville" is another good example .. just a single guy started a project then the 'community' acquired it from him to use for their specific agenda... later a new in town change agent Julia Feltham nefariously acquired the old town fire hall for a wealthy local developer to install her communitarian hub for 'social enterprise' after writing a report to the town that the place was not re-furbishable when it clearly was... very manipulative.. and I'm sure Phil Handrahan played a significant role in that 'transaction' with Lafford the developer as well .. the departing CAO.

As for Sappyfest performers: who are their heroes? they make a lot of noise about climate change on their Twitter accounts and I'm not impressed... Fuck Your Green New Deal....

Why denounce a fledgling indie media promotional enterprise that works locally to help promote pro-human & pro-white wellness & pro-resource development - ventures including but not limited to: Tantramar Landowners Association, Back to Eden Film, Tantramar Skate Park Project, Hemp History Week, GlobalBEM.com, EuroCanadian.ca, CanadaAction.ca, Beautiful People in NB photography project, No More Fluoride Rinse in NB Schools, Blue Elephant Gallery One, Immigration Watch Canada, Safe Water Halifax, Safe Water Moncton, Technocracy News, Moms Against UN Agenda 2030, Fluoridation Free Canada, ID-Canada.ca, Students for Western Civilisation, SEGmagnetics.com ?

Progressives here are all about "shutting down" the voices of others I have learned.. its a rather unappealling trait they all share.. intolerance.. while shouting about tolerance.  Total Hypocrites.

I have no funding nor do I ask for donations.. my style is not to mooch.. but to help evolve with others.
I love photography, dogs, people, culture & conversation, art, good books, good music, travelling, traditionalism.. I'm best described as a conscientious objector and I don't recognize my nation lately. "Progressives" are at war with us and like many I just want the opt out ... I'm sure that I'm not the only one..

I have never and will never ask for permission from anyone to do what I do with this advocacy so hopefully we have cleared the air on this perceived conflict of interests.  I'm a Sappyfest friendly blogger but I'm a dissident and I don't grovel and don't support much of their ideological word salad.
I don't advise others to grovel or pander either.. its weak behaviour and people don't respect you when you grovel and pander.. and coddling is truly the worst.. try not to grovel, just get off your knees..

The politically correct culture of the "progressives of Sackville" can be extremely insufferable .. People have been put on notice to respect diversity of opinions around here.. will they listen? Time will tell.

As notorious as I seem to be at this point and as unpopular I remain unapologetic for having unpopular opinions....  I think it is preferential not to be grouped into a category with others dictating the opinions you are allowed to have... the " in group " are practicing group think and behaving like "good little Germans" all this in order to 'fit in'.. so I don't fit in.  I'm very OK with not fitting in.

I'm not running for political office, I'm not holding down a university job, nor am I begging for grant money for an NGO or non-profit, I'm an indie... and I oppose communitarianism as much as progressives -- its something I think matters... my ideology leans toward libertarian thinking mostly.

--- Attn: https://twitter.com/jeskagrue/
Further thoughts on Sappyfestival that takes a lot of grant money from the government agencies to operate here. They are far from indie .. they are heavily subsidized and they are also 'agenda' driven with a political and social justice component that has taken the joy out of what was once a local fun time for the youth and the talent that lives here and makes a life here.. last year was particularly noticeable in that it was featuring people with zero connection to this region.. if the local government continues to give them money when they do not support the artists here and promote the artists here I don't see how that is even remotely fair. I take issue with the organizers. They are aware of my point of view now.

Poster from 2018 - artwork by Paul Henderson - co-founder of the 'fest...

Happily praising and inviting a performer here with a very 'racist' 

agenda of asking 'white people to move to the back' is not cool..

not ever.. and yet I am considered a 'racist' around here? really?
no one respects a cucked and weak attempt to seem enlightened and proressive..
if you are unable to recognize racism against white people that's your problem..
your mind has been deconstructed by ideology that is shovelled at universities..

its an observation that the SJWts in this university town hijacked a pretty cool little indie festival over a few years time & transformed it into something 'political' .. if this news is unpleasant Prez Grue just take it as some advice to tone down the pandering and b.s.

Twitter has become an anti-white hate platform.

Sappyfest is social justice obsessed .. and the town is 
drowning in 'green identity politics' exclusively..

Yes dearest Lydia, all colours come to Sappyfest... du-oh.

Are there black ppl at SappyFest