Wednesday 3 March 2021

Church, Closures, Face Mask Mandates and Social Distancing... The Tragedy of Our Times


Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church @ Bridge Street & Squire Street
- photo from Facebook

How have the churches been corrupted to obey closure orders and submit to the fear and fake news narrative of global technocRATS?  By reacting weakly to these relentless threats if they do not comply and submit they will be closed they have shown they are not people of God and are unable to keep their Faith through this test..... Know this:  No man or woman is above God.  God and his Glory are to be worshipped and obeyed.  The nonsensical and arbitrary rules and mandates of government minions with their endless bullying dictates pushing their propaganda on us all must be resisted/rejected.

Locally, we can witness the tyranny shown on their church website:

Our God is a loving God.  He does not wish us to live in fear, not for even one day and he certainly would never tell his flock to walk about in unhealthy facemasks, stand apart from one another, avoid close contact gatherings, and refrain from hugs... this is all very inhumane stuff!  Two people I spoke with in the store the other day said they were being prevented from spending any time with their loved ones in the local 'long term care home'!

Can you imagine the psychological harm that is being done to people on a wide spread scale!?

The anti-human evil that has taken a hold over our planet in 2020 and 2021 must be fought against by all of us .. its JUST that simple


Open your churches  . . Praise God ! Gather freely!

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