Monday 8 June 2020

Environmentalists Love Smartgrowth U.N. Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development... why?

Some book recommendations from Tantramar Landowners Association.

Know your enemies.. stay peaceful.. stay informed.

Photo from Bruce Wark's article, artwork from Spitfire Designs
Artist’s drawing of proposed apartment building behind the existing Georgian mansion at 131 Main Street. Sackville Town Council rejected the project in 2014
Mount Allison University professor weighs in at this chance
to commit some more climate hysterics on a public website.....
these brainwashed professors never stop .. do they?  
Anti-oil and anti-gas and anti-development ranting is all they seem to know 
and that's just very unfortunate.. Felix speaks for his MAFA crew too.
These U.N. brainwashed people are a big problem.
They are destroying prosperity, not raising people up... 

Rural people in Canada rely on fossil fuels Felix..
its a cold nation... its a harsh climate for humans and their animals...
how do you propose your ideas will affect them if implemented?
you and your ilk would deny them their basic necessities
or insist they live in towns or cities to 'save the environment'?
you are a meddling social engineer and an absolute cretin...
Felix Baerlocher says:
"In April, 2019, Sackville Town Council council passed a unanimous resolution acknowledging that “the world faces a climate crisis” This crisis or emergency has been attributed to excessive use of fossil energy.
High-density housing (apartment buildings) generally requires less energy and less land per person than single-family dwellings. It therefore makes ecological sense to favour the construction of larger buildings occupied by many couples or families over the building of macmansions for individual families, which in the long run contributes to sprawling suburbanization. I see no compelling ecological reason to reject Mr. Beal’s application"
I don't mind Mr. Gordon Beal's development [at 131 Main Street] application either.. looks like a lovely build.... in a lovely town... but the reasons Felix mentions are not my reasons ..... I'm over trying to tell anyone how to live.. I just hope that others figure out they don't need to dictate should and should nots to others as well .. fossil fuels isn't the problem Felix; bullshit is.  I'm for housing freedoms and liberty and for food liberty and freedoms too.... more freedom.. more prosperity... imagine that? Its a big country... we are very lucky to be rich with resources.... why would Canadians not develop them and benefit from them? Think about it.

Read ACL Books:

Rural population, 2017 (% of total population) 🇧🇮BDI: 87 🇳🇵NEP: 81 🇦🇫AFG: 75 🇮🇳IND: 66 🇵🇰PAK: 64 🇪🇬EGY: 57 🇳🇬NGR: 50 🇮🇩INA: 45 🇨🇳CHN: 42 🇲🇳MGL: 32 🇷🇺RUS: 26 🇲🇾MAS: 25 🇩🇪GER: 23 🇨🇴COL:20 🇫🇷FRA: 20 🇨🇦CAN: 19 🇺🇸USA: 18 🇬🇧GBR: 17 🇸🇦KSA: 16 🇧🇷BRA: 14 🇯🇴JOR: 9 🇯🇵JPN: 8 (World Bank)


Indie Media East Coast said...

That's a great book.. not one the professors like Felix at are likely to read or promote reading to their students.

New Brunswick Health Activist since 2010 said...

Educators like Felix are influencing young students in a bad way.... I take it this European fellow has no grasp about the size of Canada's resource sector and how important it is to the economy.

tantramarshire musings said...

How are we going to survive winter in Canada without fossil fuels???