Sunday 7 June 2020

Who is Technocrat Change Agent in Tantramar David McKellar Rotary President Sackville / Retired Military

Manipulating the public with lies and propagandizing the region with fear.
Who is David McKeller? A technocRAT with military [U.S.] connections. [ read at ]

I've written a little previously here about the background of these key people [crisis actors] involved in the current "psy-op taskforce" in our part of Canada. They are the modern "bolsheviks" attempting a coup.

"Regular Council Meeting agenda for June 8, 2020.
Meeting will be conducted through video conferencing and live streamed.
Hope you can attend virtually.
Take Care
Be Safe
Be Kind"

Town Councillor Shawn M. seems to want us all wearing face masks and he also seems to think its normal to have no public at a town council meeting.. its not.  The nation is INTERREGNUM.

Someone should let these David-types know that the flyers being produced and stuffed into our mailboxes are needlessly inciting fear in an otherwise peaceful region.

David McKellar and his crew of self appointed officials should also know that in Canada we spell the word "neighbour" with a u..

I have no desire to allow any of the propaganda and fear-mongering to go unreported on.  Rotary have appointed themselves to some sort of leadership position here and that must not go unchecked or unchallenged.

I would like David McKellar to cease and desist his activities forthwith. There will be consequences for his actions if he persists.  If you know David McKellar personally please advise him to consider my advice.  He has been identified as a technocrat.

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