Saturday 9 May 2020

Dominic Leblanc MP for Beausejour was Justin Trudeau's Babysitter; Their Dads Were Working Colleagues

Romeo Leblanc and Pierre Trudeau and sons Dominic Leblanc and Justin Trudeau -- the legacy rulers in Canada are a dynasty family of politicians... Harvard University educated and childless Dominic Leblanc who is slightly older than Justin Trudeau is a key part of the deep state in Canada because of his allegiance to the fake queen.  Dominic has dominated Beausejour for twenty years.. perhaps its time he stepped down?

Canada has the leadership that it deserves at this point.. A dynasty of Laurentian Elites who are selling out their nation and its citizens .. but if those citizens continue to sleep and do not pay attention to the words their leaders say they will continue to suffer while a small group profit and line their bank accounts.

In 2020, we are all suffering under an oppressive technocracy with the puppet leader Justin.  I'm not a fan of suffering.  I'm a fan of action and of justice.  There is a simple remedy at hand this year:  Legal briefs to be read.  I have emailed this link to Dominic Leblanc so that he has been put on notice of this legal claim against flat lie royals.
Perhaps he should advise his friend Justin Trudeau about this legal claim as well.

Liberal puppets in Canada are the biggest obstacles to enjoying freedom and liberty and prosperity.  If Canadians continue to vote for Liberals who sell out our country to foreigners they deserve everything they get in the coming years.

I'm not sure why people think handing our nation over to a Chinese invasion is OK.

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