Wednesday 19 May 2021

Who's Who In The Town of Technocrats? #1's Jamie Burke, CAO & Mount Allison University instructor/change agent

A gathering online of the 'chattering class' thugs of Tantramar!
Who the hell do these people think they are fooling?

Local technocrat, alumni, and useful idiot Jamie Burke was appointed as CAO of the Town of Sackville after they spent tens of thousands of dollars on a staff search company.  They went with an in-house hire and promotion of Burke to top dog at John Higham's insistence [former Mayor 2016-2020] and Burke seems perfectly happy after over  a year to continue to keep the public away from all town hall monthly meetings and just keep everything going online ONLY in closed and snobbish little zoom chat rooms and echo chambers for his crony technocrat buddies... but for how long?  How long do you keep this charade going Jamie Burke? How long will you continue to ignore the common people and the common law?

#Smash Technocracy

Here in the video Jamie Burke is presenting and hanging out with his besties at the local "NGO" non-governmental organization, a well funded environmentalist think tank, EOS Eco local climate grifters.  As technocrats, EOS Eco meddle constantly in our town's affairs and staffing and policies and stage events like "Climate Fear Week" with people who are deeply indoctrinated.. people such as Sabine Dietz..
she is a German-born green politically-minded climate fear propagandist and boomer consultant... someone who works behind the scenes as a handler and promoter of certain politicians who are malleable [such as Megan Mitton MLA].  Sabine Dietz never lets up on the climate fear sermonizing and flooding fears around here... and she may even have been the woman heard off camera suggesting the need for retention ponds to Jamie Burke [which ended up being a $2 million project here and they're not done yet]. BURKE ALSO PROMOTED THIS COVID19 TASKFARCE FEAR CAMPAIGNING GROUP OF FRAUDS... WHY? Because these are all technocrats / minions... SEEKING CONTROL AND DOMINANCE IN THIS REGION!

If I EVER DID decide to run for mayor I would remove all funding for ALL parasite NGOs and as well I would remove many of the town hall staffers to cut the fat and waste and shrink government which would be key.

Also, the oath that would be sworn would not be to fake flat lie royal Liz but to the new King John III Joseph Gregory Hallett - - perhaps the new crew being sworn in post- May 25th election results will also correctly pledge their oaths to King John III as they are now required to do since Joseph Gregory Hallett claimed Kingship.  If we are lucky Dietz will not get in...

NGOs are the technocrats right hands and useful idiots... these are the moochers and freeloaders aka Non-Governmental-Organizations that make a real nuisance of themselves by growing bureaucratic controls and technocratic imperatives upon us all.... I'm sure Jamie Burke feels right at home with these type of people.... he is one himself after all... its all about implementing UN Agenda 2030 sustainable development global governance mandates and policies and directives... a very useful global village idiot such as CAO Burke will now be able to embark upon even more oppressive demands for submission and compliance to the global borg of UN Agenda 2030 plans.

CAO Jamie Burke is 'top dog on payroll' - why is it such a very well paid job ... his annual salary is unknown/undisclosed - but no doubt over $100K. 

The truth is simple: Jamie Burke is a technocrat globalist stooge who ONLY works for United Nations Agenda 2030 global governance sustainable development in Canada... he's a very useful and compliant hound for the corporation. Good doggo Jamie woof! woof!  A perfect fit for the university-controlled town hall that operates in a strait jacket for the chattering class crowd... these people have zero interest in your freedoms, prosperity, and opinions... you mean nothing to them.. your feedback isn't needed.

Still unsure what a technocrat is?  With his home facing on to the multimillion dollar pond project he has greatly improved his property's value with the pond and park development, eh?

You'll need to read up what technocRATS ARE - THEY ARE A LAW UNTO themselves... learn for yourself.. for all his troubles Jamie Burke just received an unprecedented $6,000 raise in salary!

Read. Educate yourself.  Know your enemy.

We'll expect more cronyism and corruption and abuse of power:

Bruce Wark ex-CBC has covered some of Jamie's shenanigans:

As for the town's true finances, pay attention to the CAFR and not the 'budget'... you've been advised previously about the CAFR on this blogger so do your due diligence and grasp the concept of money hoarding by public servants... #Talk up the CAFR
As I have advised Town Councillors, including Bruce Phinney,  CAFR is what isn't talked about.
Some people know exactly what Jamie Burke is and some people don't have a clue... yet... there's still time.  He also holds the title of President of the Planners Association .. what an influential minion.

9 Responses to Former deputy mayor seeks apology for town manager’s ‘rude’ behaviour
  1. Geoff Martin says:
    “Members of the public are not allowed to ask questions during council’s discussion meetings, so after Plourde’s presentation, Estabrooks and Sackville resident Percy Best followed him out of the council chamber to ask for more information.”
    Here’s the obvious solution — let members of the public ask questions at public Discussion meetings. You might be exposed to a good idea!
    Liked by 3 people
  2. Percy Best says:
    Town employee Jamie Burke was definitely ‘way out of line’ when he rudely interrupted our private conversation in the lobby and outside of the Town Council chambers. I personally did pay the $200 directly to Crandall Engineering in June for a copy of the tender package and have since received emails from Crandall stating that “If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.” That is precisely what we were doing out in the lobby.
    Past Deputy Mayor Estabrooks is right when he says all that has to be done is clean out the existing marsh ditches and construct a larger aboiteau to the river. The ditches have NOT been maintained by our Public Works Department for over 50 years.
    The route that the NB Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DTI) has suggested to us can be done for less than one tenth of the price that the Town Engineer and Crandalls proposes. It is DTI and the Department of Agrilculture that have constructed and maintained all of the 80 aboiteaux and culvert systems of the surrounding marshes. It is the Provincial Government that owns them. To the best of our knowledge the Town of Sackville, and quite possibly Crandall Engineering, have never been involved in the construction of an aboiteau for well over one hundred years. Repeated requests to the Town to verify this have NOT been answered. There is now in excess of $8,000,000 being played with by the town to do a completed project that certainly need not be done in the way they suggest. A simple enlarged ditch to a new aboiteau on the Carters Brook is all that is needed according to DTI. This new aboiteau was already recommended in the Hilcon Report paid for by DTI.
    It is a sad day indeed when the current management of OUR Town feels the need to trample so harshly on the rights of our citizens for the simple act of FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
    Liked by 1 person
  3. Sharon Hicks says:
    The mayor stated that citizens have a chance to ask questions and offer suggestions at public information sessions regarding projects.
    That statement, however, is misleading.
    By the time those public meetings take place, the project in question is already planned, and has usually already gone out to Tender. Those meetings are simply a means for ‘the Town’ to inform the public about what will be done. It appears the consultants are there simply to explain the plans.
    There is currently NO opportunity for citizens to approach consultants with questions, or concerns, or even valuable suggestions which are often based on considerable past experience.
    We have been told that we need to take those questions and suggestions to the Senior Manager of Corporate Projects. From previous encounters, however, we have found that those questions often do not get answered, and any suggestions frequently do not make it to the hands of the Consultants.
    Citizens, who are the taxpayers ultimately footing the bill for those consultants, should have a right to be part of the process.
    Liked by 1 person
  4. Rima Azar says:
    Good point Geoff (Dr. Martin) :).
    As far as I am concerned, I find this exchange interesting to read about/listen to for the simple following reason—for the sake of accountability with a capital A… Not just for a single behaviour by a single individual at a single point in time but rather for accountability in the larger sense of governance: Decisions and value for money. Performance, etc.
    Liked by 1 person
  5. Louis says:
    The truth is, Sackville runs like an autocratic regime or a monarchy, and not a benevolent one.
    You may think that you’re citizens and voters. Some Soviet citizens also thought that.
    We knew better and also thought that *we* were better. I’m not so sure about the latter part of this last sentence.
    In truth, you are subjects. Sure, you can vote. I don’t even think that the ballot boxes are stuffed. But the thing is, it doesn’t really matter who gets elected. With very few exceptions (I can think of ONE on the current Council), once they sit on those Council chairs, they basically become a part of the problem. Why? That’s a good question, to which I don’t fully know the answer. Is it ego-driven, by feeling important? Is it because they don’t really know what’s going on and are afraid to rock the boat? Are they subject to pressure tactics like “The lawyers/accountants/engineers/insurers say that we must do X”? Are they just stupid and over their heads? Is it a lack of time? Are they climbers who feel that if they don’t rock the boat, they’ll have a chance at something more important? Do they seek the benefits of being lobbied by special interest groups? Is it even more nefarious?
    Whatever it is, the real calculus seems to include the fact that most people don’t care enough to seriously revolt as long as the garbage gets picked up and the snow cleared. People get the government that they’re willing to tolerate, broadly.
    So when you see rude behaviour directed at you by Town Staff, remember: YOU work for THEM, not the other way around. Everything else is just for show. Once you realise that, everything else just falls into place, including getting treated rudely, etc.
    You are subjects, not citizens!
    If you pretend otherwise, it’s only yourselves that you are fooling.
    Town Staff know very well what your place is…
    • Rima Azar says:
      Louis, your comments are always straight to the point (too direct for some maybe). I personally like them because they are direct and honest (like you; this is why I love you too, I think :))… Seriously, sadly what you are describing is true.
      Many citizens in Sackville are afraid to talk ( we can see why given what was described in this article and the comments by citizens). Some (most?) citizens have perhaps developed apathy. Others are busy earning a living OR being afraid of losing their jobs because they need to bring bread to the table to feed their kids. Perhaps they are wise to ignore the deep public issues to focus on their loved ones and on the beauty of our Sweet little Sackville… and the charm of our province (minus its issues).
      What is the solution? Could anything be done to fix things? This begs another question: Does NB evaluate the functioning of its municipalities? Not just to produce and archive reports but to see if there is a need to re-organize or just to see whether we are doing things well. I am not an expert of municipal politics. I am just trying to be an informed citizen.
      I personally think that the Pandora’s Box has been opened at least twice in the very recent history of Sackville: (1). with the story in this article and (2). with the very recent legal saga around the old white beautiful church and the false permit. I call our volunteers on the Heritage Board, including you Louis, heros. Today’s article is about two additional heros: Mr. Percy Best and Mr. Merlin Estabrooks. Thanks to them too for asking for more accountability. Sadly, no lessons seemed to have been learned from all this… at least thus far… This being said, it is never too late in life, I want to keep believing. I think our municipality does some good things sometimes. So, this means that it has the potential to do better and it can learn to be transparent. Why not?
      Finally, you wrote Louis that *people get the government that they’re willing to tolerate, broadly*. Interesting comment…. I can only agree with it, even if sometimes the choices are limited. I say this whilst thinking specifically of the dark ages in the Middle East ðŸ˜¦ where citizens have “tolerated” dictatorship in many countries for too long….the tragedy is that, instead of freedom of democracy as they have dared to dream (with the Arabic spring), they ended up being confronted to two competing evils: the religious freaks VERSUS the powerful dictators. Which one would be the least dangerous to live under or nearby? I never ever thought (whilst growing up under occupation imposed by such dictators) that one day I will get to a point where I could dare finding their (political) totalitarism perhaps (at least apparently) less scary than the (religious) totalitarism of islamism (here, I wrote Islamism and not Islam; even if I personally think that Islam, as a religion, needs to be reformed to save it from the extremism of islamism). Luckily, in the middle of this messy region, there remains a moderate country with a tradition of democracy and diversity… Yes, the tiny yet clever Lebanon is still hanging on in peace (hopefully for good). Its citizens are even tolerating an ABSENCE of a government for over 128 days now (elections took place in May, 2018). If I am not mistaken, Belgium may have set a record of 589 days without a government in 200711.
      Why am I writing all this (sorry it is too long)? Because Louis’ comment made me think of how much we take our democracy for granted! We forget that it can be fragile even in the most democratic and beautiful places in the world like Canada. Perhaps this is why immigrants (even older ones like myself) may be perhaps more attached to this precious democracy/freedom (of thinking, of speech, etc.). They know very well what life would be without democracy. This is why it feels odd to see what they thought they left behind when they immigrated occurring in front of their eyes (e.g., autocratic regimes, to use Louis’ words, or extreme ideologies, etc.).
  6. tuxemal says:
    Mr. Martin hit the nail on the head.
    The discussion group format has been one debated for some time.
    In fact discussion groups first came to be I believe when Mr. Martin was a member of council.
    Although these meetings were set out to be fact finding missions there is no reason why public questions can not be taken.
    One point l like from the 2010-2015 strategic plan penned by Micheal Fox through work by his students by interviewing town citizens (at no cost to tax payers unlike the most recent plan) was eliminating the liaison roles and hold meetings as committee of the whole.
    This would allow all councilors to participate in department information sessions and be able to ask questions and not rely on reading a staff prepared report to get information from.
    Also opportunity could be provided for public questions and engagement at that time.
    Amherst has a committee of the whole system. Maybe investigate how that works.
    Liked by 2 people
  7. G says:
    If you hired someone we will say from Holland. To come in and look the situation over I bet you 5 Robins coffees they could tell you in a heart beat how to solve your problem.
  8. Barb Smith says:
    It sounds to me like our Director of Corporate affairs is running this town while the mayor and councilors sit back and let this happen. I was employee of the town for sixteen years as a seasonal employee working twenty five hours a week. At the early part of last falls season i was forced to work three hours every Sunday. I was a union employee making fifty four cents over minimum wage,.Our Director of Corporate.Affairs told me I would be replaced if I would not work the three hours every Sunday I was replaced with a worker from Kelly Services and they are doing my job and getting paid fourteen dollars an hour but for every hour a Kelly Services person is working for the town Kellys are being paid twenty five dollars an hour. The Director of Corporate Affairs told Council it was cheaper to hire through Kellys than pay our benefit package however part time employees have no benefits, only four percent vacation pay which everyone has to pay. I sent a letter to all of Town Council, the Mayor and my boss Ron Kelly Spurles and The Director of Corporate Affairs however i have not heard back from anyone other than Mr Burke. By the way i was replaced with a lady from New Zealand and a lady from Amherst who does not even know where the covered bridge is. I am a senior citizen who has lived in Sackville all my life and have traveled the Maritime Provinces many times over. Who would you sooner have representing your town? I am also a taxpayer in this town and feel these jobs should go to townspeople first.
    Liked by 3 people

 "The university intellectuals also play an important role in carrying out the System’s trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System’s trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System’s basic values."

- "System's Neatest Trick" - Ted Kaczynski

Sackville has hired Jamie Burke as our new Chief Administrative Officer. For details visit here -…/sackville-names-new-chief-administ…/

"SACKVILLE, NB – Sackville Town Council is pleased to announce that Jamie Burke has been appointed as the new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the Town. Council passed a motion on Monday April 6, 2020, to formally appoint Burke, who will commence the new role effective April 7, 2020. Burke brings 16 years of experience in municipal government to the position, having spent the last six as the Senior Manager of Corporate Projects for the Town where he was responsible for the Department of Tourism and Business Development, the Department Recreation Programs and Events, Corporate Communications, Economic Development, as well as universitycommunity relations. He has worked in planning roles in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency in Edinburgh, UK, and as a part-time faculty member in the Department of Geography and Environment at Mount Allison University. Jamie holds a Bachelor of Science from Mount Allison University and a Master’s in Environmental Studies (Planning) from York University. Mayor Higham stated, “Council made an excellent choice of Jamie as CAO for the Town of Sackville, and we are confident that he will bring energy, experience, and an innovative and collaborative style to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. His leadership and love of Sackville will service our community very well.” A motion to award the recruitment services to Knightsbridge Robertson Surrette (KBRS) was passed in November 2019. During the process, KBRS contacted approximately 170 prospective candidates and sources, and 64 individuals formally expressed interest in the role. Upon the preliminary screening interviews, KBRS held 11 in-depth interviews with the most promising candidates, and seven of these were presented to Council for consideration. In the end, Council interviewed six candidates and then brought the top two back for a second round of interviews. Ranking these allowed KBRS to conduct background checks on the top candidate and Council made an offer to Mr Burke, which he accepted. The Town acknowledges the professionalism and service provided to them throughout this process by KBRS. The Town of Sackville would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Burke on his new role as CAO and look forward to working with him in this capacity.

Media Contact:
John Higham Mayor
Town of Sackville

Here's what fans are saying about Jamie's new special job..

  • Francois Giroux Congrats and best of luck! Well deserved appointment.
  • Spencer Veley Congratulations!!!!
  • Laurel McIntyre Yes, congratulations to Jamie, he will do an excellent job.

1 comment:

tantramarshire musings said...

Technocrats lack imagination, require too much money and attention, and generally have little regard for the well-being of humanity.. they're a parasite class who will be dealt with for their actions.. you cannot work against abundance, prosperity and freedom.... the back lash for these minions will be severe and unrelenting... wouldn't want to be in their shoes for anything... in fact, if they weren't so damned well funded we could just ignore them.