Thursday 2 April 2020

Dr. Theresa Tam and National Film Board of Canada 2010 predictatively program "OUTBREAK"

Video from Civilian Intelligence Network youtube channel.

Dr. Tam was born male in Hong Kong in 1965.  Educated in the UK and transgendered to a female.  Why is this 'creature' heading up Canada's health authority?  Wake up Canada.  You are being played by luciferian fuckwits.
Shutting down the economy.  Destroying your freedoms and you just sit there.

Kata List Productions 
The 'crown' are fake .. they are done. You heard it from me months ago. Only because I really hate them do I bother. This is my fourth youtube channel. Greg Hallett's claim is advancing now. Trump has acknowledge him in 2019. Liz knows he is the true monarch and wants to abdicate. They've [ evil Phil ] tried many times to kill him. They murdered his webmaster/publisher in 2018. The media has snubbed him. I keep in touch regularly by email with him in the UK. Please have him on your channel. These documents are open sourced to help. Transition Team Canada Get Rid of the Fake Royals Now.

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