Saturday 4 January 2020

Bruce Wark - Wark Times reports on Mayor John Higham's political intentions in 2020...

Thanks Bruce... helpful article on 'communitarian change agent' / 'social engineer' / Rotary member John Higham [a boomer consultant ]

Bruce Wark from youtube screen grab

I look forward to seeing the " Mayor 2020 Sackville NB Election Show "... 
Watch all the happenings in Town Hall aka "the palace" at their Youtube channel:

My prediction is that failed Federal Green Party of Canada candidate Laura Reinsborough will make a run for Mayor of the Town of Sackville as that seems like an obvious move for her with these green technocrats they are always seeking power and control.

Thanks again for the helpful photography Bruce - I find it useful to know what people like Laura's ilk promote to our youth .. protest culture, climate misery and do we need more technocrats in power or less of them? Discuss.

I'm sure the next elected Mayor will also promote climate change fear,carbon tax, and more social engineering... the selection process dictates that the "right people" hold our public offices - how else will they continue to hold their "house of cards" in place?  No one will take office and cancel the "Climate Action Plan" or "Sustainable Sackville Plan" or remove the United Nations flag flying here.. the town is a UN Agenda 2030 compliant zone - this is due to the university ONLY.  The politics of this region is controlled by the 'technocrats' and I am convinced that anyone who runs for office must be properly vetted and programmed or they will not be given a seat at the 'star chamber' here.. they run a very tight ship.  To put it bluntly, The Town's Priorities are What the University Says They Are:

The Green Investment Fund is a great opportunity for students, faculty or community members to propose projects that will help to reduce carbon emissions while increasing community connections. If you have a proposal for an initiative that fits these criteria, apply for the GIF by January 5th, 2020. If you will need an extension for your application or if you have any questions, email Mount Allison Students' Union

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